Tequila Fortaleza (meaning “Fortitude”) is the same Tequila released under the “Los Abuelos” label, produced at the distillery of the same name – “Fortaleza” is the export label that developed due to a trademark conflict with a Rum with the name “Abuelos” that was already being distributed in the USA. Located in the town of Tequila, Jalisco, Los Abuelos are a quality orientated producer rooted in traditions established centuries ago. Their tequilas are produced from estate grown, 100% stone milled agave. A brick oven with meter thick walls cooks the agave for thirty six hours. The crushed agave is then washed with mountain water from the Volcan de Tequila to separate the pulp from the woody fibres to create the ‘mosto’. The woody fibres of the agave are removed at this time, and taken to the fields to use as compost. The agave mosto is then naturally fermented for five days in small wood vats, and then double distilled using small, labor-intensive copper pot stills.
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